- Are your name Ahmed?
- Is your name Ahmed?
- Am your name Ahmed?
- None of these
- b
Use the following word in your own sentence: Prepare:
- We should prepare yourself for the day of Judgment.
- We have prepare yourself for the day of Judgment.
- We had prepare yourself for the day of Judgment.
- None of these
- a
ہمیں اپنے آپ کو قیامت کے دن کے لیے تیار کرنا چاہیے۔
Use the following word in your own sentence: River:
- The national river of Pakistan is River Ravi.
- The national river of Pakistan is River Indus.
- The national river of Pakistan is not River Indus.
- None of these
- b
پاکستان کا قومی دریا دریائے سندھ ہے۔
Use the following word in your own sentence: Plant:
- Herbs, Shrubs and Trees are types of Plants.
- Herbs, Shrubs and Trees are not types of Plants.
- Herbs, Shrubs and Animals are types of Plants.
- None of these
- a
جڑی بوٹیاں ، جھاڑیاں اور درخت پودوں کی اقسام ہیں
Use the following word in your own sentence: Mosque:
- Faisal Mosque will be National Mosque of Pakistan.
- Faisal Mosque is National Mosque of Pakistan.
- Faisal Mosque was National Mosque of Pakistan.
- None of these
- b
فیصل مسجد پاکستان کی قومی مسجد ہے۔
Use the following word in your own sentence: Pencil:
- First Pencil was invented in 1795.
- First Pencil was invent in 1795.
- First Pencil will invented in 1795.
- None of these
پہلی پنسل 1795 میں ایجاد ہوئی
Use the following word in your own sentence: Make:
- I Chair make.
- I make chair.
- i chair made.
- None of these
- b
میں کرسی بناتا ہوں۔
Use the following word in your own sentence: Discipline:
- Discipline is the key to success.
- Discipline Key is to success.
- Success is key to Discipline.
- None of these
- a
نظم و ضبط کامیابی کی کنجی ہے۔
Use the following word in your own sentence: Brave:
- Brave man is Aslam.
- Aslam is a man brave.
- Aslam is a brave man.
- None of these
- C
اسلم ایک بہادر آدمی ہے۔
Use the following word in your own sentence: Recruitment:
- The Recruitment ended date
- The Recruitment date has ended.
- The date Recruitment has ended.
- None of these
- B
Present Perfect Tense.
بھرتی کی تاریخ ختم ہو گئی