- Jeddah
- Riyadh
- Mecca
- None of these
- a
IsDB was founded in 1975.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed Hajj on:
- 7th Hijrah
- 8th Hijrah
- 9th Hijrah
- 10th Hijrah
- d
Who joined WTO in 2016?
- Afghanistan
- Iran
- Egypt
- Iraq
- a
Afghanistan joined the World Trade Organization on 29th July 2016
Mount Eden Crate is located in:
- New Zealand
- Australia
- Turkey
- Japan
- a
Its height is 193 Meters.
Old Capital of Kazakhstan is:
- Nur Sultan
- Tehran
- Inqarah
- None of these
- a
Statute of Liberty is placed in:
- New York
- Singapore
- Jakarta
- None of these
- a
People of French gave gift to United States in 1886.
The height of this statute is 93 Meters.
Deccan Plateau is in:
- Pakistan
- Iran
- Afghanistan
- India
- d
Which Article is related to Azad Jammu & Kashmir in Constitution of Pakistan 1973?
- Article 257
- Article 12
- Article 300
- Article 259
- a
There are 280 articles in Constitution of Pakistan 1973.
Israel President who visited the India in November 2016:
- Mr. Reuven Rivlin
- Chaim Herzong
- Moshe Katsav
- None of these
- a
Leader of Infidels in Uhad was:
- Marhab
- Abu Jehl
- Abdul Rehman ibn E Muljim
- Abu Sufyan
- d
Battle of Uhad was fought in 3 Hijri.