- 2-3 Litres
- 3-4 Litres
- 7-8 Litres
- 4-5 Litres
- d
What is highest rank of Pakistan Army?
- General
- Major
- Captain
- Brigadier
- a
The Post of Chief of Army Staff was created in 1972.
Current Chief of Army Staff is General Qamar Javed Bajwa.
He is 10th Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan.
He belonged to 16 Bloch Regiment.
Pakistan’s National Animal is ….
- Elephant
- Lion
- Markhor
- None of these
- c
Pakistan’s National Bird is Chakor.
Pakistan’s National Jungle is Changa Manga.
Pakistan’s National Fruit is Mango.
Which is called the Bab Ul Islam?
- Sindh
- Punjab
- Balochistan
- a
Who purposed the name of Pakistan first time?
- Hafiz Jalandhri
- Ch. Rehmat Ali
- Allama Iqbal
- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
- b
Ch. Rehmat Ali published a pamphlet “Now or Never” in 1933, in which he mentioned the name of Paksitan first time.
Who is called the Baba E Urdu?
- Allama Iqbal
- Mirza Galib
- Molvi Abdul Haq
- None of these
- C
The title of Baba E Urdu was given to Molvi Abdul Haq in 1935.
Who was the first Chief Justice of Pakistan?
- Mian Abdul Rasheed
- Mian Saqib Nisar
- Gulzar Ahmed
- None of these
- a
First Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan was General Tikka Khan.
Which is the biggest desert of Pakistan?
- Thar
- Thal
- Katpana
- None of these
- a
The area of Thar desert is 1,75,000 Km2.
Thar is largest desert of Pakistan and 7th largest desert of Asia.
When did the second constitution of Pakistan passed?
- 10th June 1962
- 9th June 1962
- 8th June 1962
- None of these
- c
The Constitution of Paksitan 1973 was passed on 19th April 1973 and enforced on 14th August 1973.
Which of the following is oldest Fort of Pakistan?
- Darawar Fort
- Rohtas Fort
- Attock Fort
- None of these
- a
Darawar Fort was built in 9th Century first time.
Rohtas Fort is located in Jhelum, Punjab.
Rohtas Fort was constructed by Sher Shah Suri in 1541.