- Quality : Qualify
- Similar : Similarity
- Joke : Joker
- Rough : Roughly
- b
Polite شائستہ
Politeness شائستگی
Similar اسی طرح کی
Similarity مماثلت
(First word in the sequence is Adjective and second word is Noun)
Angry : Furious :: ……..
- Bold : Brave
- Labor : Labour
- Steel : Steal
- Bath : Bathe
- a
Angry ناراض
Furious مشتعل
Bold بہادر
Brave بہادر
(Its analogy type question)
Friend: Foe :: …….
- Pet : Poem
- Brothers : Sisters
- Trauma : Drama
- Social : Sociable
- b
Friend دوست
Foe دشمن
(Its analogy type question)
The process in which DNA of a cell is a duplicated to make two similar copies of parent DNA is termed as:
- Transcription
- Replication
- Translation
- All of the Above
- b
What is synonym of “Modest”?
- Humble
- Kind
- Clever
- None of these
- a
Modest معمولی
Humble انکسار
What is Synonym of “Canny”
- Calm
- Handsome
- Clever
- Polite
- c
Canny ہوشیار / چالاک
Clever ہوشیار / چالاک
Pakistan Resolution was presented by:
- AK Fazal Ul Haq
- Molana Zafar Ali Khan
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- None of these
- a
Molana Zafar Ali Khan translated Pakistan Resolution from English to Urdu.
Quaid E Azam did his Law from:
- Lincoln’s Inn
- Harvard University
- University of Oxford
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
- a
He did his Law from Lincoln’s Inn in 1900 and started practice at the age of 20.
What is capital of “Malaysia”?
- Kuala Lumpur
- Singapore
- Tokyo
- Beijing
- a
Kuala Lumpur became Capital of Malaysia in 1963.
What is synonym of “Sight”?
- Place
- Location
- Glimpse
- None of these
- c
Sight نگاہ
Glimpse جھلک