- Punjab
- Baluchistan
- Sindh
- C
Mostly spoken language in Pakistan is Punjabi (48%).
When did Pakistan conducted its first Series of Nuclear Explosions?
- August 1999
- March 1998
- May 1998
- April 1998
- c
Pakistan Conducted First Nuclear Test on 28th May 1998 in District Chaghi, Baluchistan.
Pakistan celebrates “Yom E Takbeer” on 28th May every year.
Who composed the verses of the National Anthem of Pakistan?
- Hafeez Jalandri
- Nasir Kazmi
- Allama Iqbal
- Faiz Ahmed Faiz
- a
Hafeez Jalandhi wrote National Anthem of Pakistan in 1952.
National Anthem of Pakistan was first time publically broadcast in 1954.
Hafeez Jalandhi include the National Anthem in his book “Chirag E Sehar”
The Inaugural meeting of the First Constitutional Assembly was held on:
- 19th June 1947
- 10th August 1947
- 14th August 1947
- 15th September 1947
- b
This first Session of Constitutional Assembly was held at Sindh Assembly Building Karachi.
The height of K2 is:
- 8720 Meters
- 8611 Meters
- 8100 Meters
- 8534 Meters
- b
K2 is also known as Godwin Austen.
K2 is 2nd Highest Mountain of the World.
K2 is National Mountain of Pakistan.
Which is the thinnest earth layer?
- Mantle
- Core
- Crust
- None of these
- c
There are three layers of Earth, which are:
Among these SAARC Countries which is not land locked?
- Bhutan
- Sri Lanka
- Nepal
- None of these
- b
Landlocked is a country which has no sea.
There are 44 landlocked countries in the world.
Which country is known as “Land of Rising Sun”?
- Canada
- Norway
- Japan
- Italy
- c
The sun rises in Japan, therfore, it is called “Land of Rises Sun”
Everybody knows Great Wall of China, Chinese erected this wall as a defense against:
- Mongols
- Iranians
- Indians
- Arabs
- a
Great Wall of China was built in 221 BC.
Who is current CEO of Google?
- Bill Gates
- Sundar Pichai
- Mark Zukarberg
- None of these
- b
He is an Indian American Businessman. He is working with Google since 2004 and became CEO of Google in 2015.