- 10
- 12
- 14
- 16
- a
Complete the Series: 3،4،7،8،11،12……..
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- d
3+1=4 ,4+3=7
7+1=8 ,8+3=11
11+1=12 ,12+3=15
کتنے سینٹی میٹر ہوتے ہیں 4.17 میٹرز میں؟
- 417
- 41.7
- 4170
- 0.417
- a
ایک میٹر میں 100 سینٹی میٹرز ہوتے ہیں۔
اس طرح 4.17 میٹرز میں 417 سینٹی میٹرز ہوئے۔
Select the correct Translation of following: میں کل اپنے کالج جاؤں گا۔
- I shall be admitting college tomorrow.
- I shall be visiting my college tomorrow.
- I shall be entering my college tomorrow.
- All are correct.
- b
Select the correct Translation of following:وہ صبح سے ورزش کر رہے ہیں۔
- They have been taking exercise since morning.
- They had been taking exercise since morning
- They were taking exercise since morning.
- All are correct
- a
Select the word which is most nearly similar in meaning (synonyms) to the given words: “Reject”
- Refuse
- Include
- Weaken
- Destroy
- a
Reject مسترد کریں
Refuse انکار
Select the word which is most nearly similar in meaning (synonyms) to the given words:“Feeling”
- Impression
- Happiness
- Baldness
- Bluntness
- a
Feeling احساس
Impression تاثر
Change the voice of the following: Fazal attends a wedding party.
- A wedding party was being attended by Fazal.
- A wedding party is attended by Fazal.
- A wedding party is being attended by Fazal.
- A wedding party was attended by Fazal
- b
فضل شادی کی تقریب میں شریک ہے۔
فضل کی ایک شادی پارٹی میں شریک ہے۔
Change the voice of the following:They are solving the sums correctly.
- The sums were solved by them correctly.
- The sums have been solved by them correctly.
- The sums are being solved by them correctly.
- The sums are solved by them correctly.
- c
وہ رقم کو صحیح طریقے سے حل کررہے ہیں۔
ان کے ذریعہ رقوم کو صحیح طریقے سے حل کیا جارہا ہے۔
Change into Indirect Speech: She says, “I eat an apple a day”
- She tells that she has eaten an apply day.
- She tells that she is eating an apple a day.
- She tells that she eats an apple a day.
- She tells that she eat an apple a day.
- c
وہ کہتی ہیں ، "میں ایک سیب دن میں کھاتی ہوں"۔
وہ بتاتی ہے کہ وہ ایک سیب ایک دن کھاتی ہے۔