- Video Graphic Adapter
- Visual Graphic Array
- Video Graphics Array
- Video graphic Arrangement
- c
VGA standard was originally developed by IBM (International Business Machines ) in 1987.
In recitation of Holy Quran, there are how many occasions when Sajidah (Prostration) is obligatory for the Muslims:
- 09
- 14
- 18
- 20
- b
What type of animal was the first living creature in space?
- Dog
- Mouse
- Rat
- Mouse
- a
Dog (Laika) was sent to space in 1957.
She was first animal who sent to space.
The deepest lake in the world is:
- Dal Lake
- Baikal
- Red Sea
- Caspian Sea
- b
Baikal is situated in Asia.
What is length of Peshawar to Karachi railway route?
- 1947 KM
- 1681 KM
- 1671 KM
- 1675 KM
- b
The length of first railway track was 169 KM 1861.
This track was between Karachi to Kotri.
The real name of Tipu Sultan was:
- Rustam
- Fateh Ali
- Ghulam Abbas
- Haider Ali
- b
Haider Ali was father of Tipu Sultan.
Tipu Sultan was also called “Tiger of Maysore”.
He was the ruler of Maysore 1782-1799.
Drama is derived from …… language.
- Greek
- Hindi
- Urdu
- Persian
- a
The term “Drama” was used in 335 BC first time.
Malaria is a disease which effects the:
- Kidney
- Spleen
- Heart
- Lungs
- b
Coronavirus is spreading today. Coronavirus is an infectious disease. Its basically disease of animals.
How many sides does a “Prism” have?
- 04
- 05
- 06
- 07
- b
What does OIC stand for:
- Organization of Islamic Countries
- Organization of Islamic Conference
- Organization of Islamic Cooperation
- Organization of Islamic Community
- c
OIC was founded in 1969.
Total members of OIC are 57.
There are Three Official languages in OIC which are English, Arabic & French