- till
- for
- since
- None of these
- c
ایک طویل عرصے سے یہ شہر خوشحال رہا ہے۔
He has put…..the meeting.
- up
- away
- off
- put under
- c
Put off is a phrasal verb.
اس نے ملاقات کو روک لیا ہے۔
You should try to ….your expenditure.
- cut out
- cut off
- cut down
- cut under
- b
آپ کو اپنے اخراجات کم کرنے کی کوشش کرنی چاہئے۔
No sooner did he go in…..he came out.
- after
- than
- before
- then
- b
کیا وہ اتنا جلدی اندر گیا تھا ؟ جنتا جلدی باہر آیا۔
Fungi…..not included among the plant kingdom.
- are
- will be
- is
- None of these
- a
The word Fungus is singular.
The word Fungi is plural.
Therefore, we use are with Fungi.
Audit of bank is an example of :
- Balance Sheet Audit
- Concurrent Audit
- Statutory Audit
- All of the Above
- d
Current Ratio is calculated as :
- Current Liabilities / Current Assets
- Current Assets / Current Liabilities
- Capital / Current Asset
- None of these
- b
Important tool for cost Planning is :
- Audit
- Budget
- Management
- None of these
- b
Budget provides different way for planning in future to meet the goals of organization.
Internal Audit should be done by:
- External Management
- Internal Management
- External Auditors
- None of these
- b
The Organization held audit as internal audit by the accountant of organization, it is called internal audit.
External Audit always performed by third party.
The principal method for the procurement of goods, services and work is:
- Open Competitive Bidding
- Close Competitive Bidding
- b
There are four procedure to open Competitive Bidding.