- 9,10
- 11,12
- 12,13
- 14,15
- a
Surah Namal has Bismillah twice.
The age of Ibrahim (A.S) was…..years when Ismail (A.S) was born?
- 86
- 87
- 88
- 100
- a
The age of Ibrahim (A.S) was 100 years when Ishaq (A.S) born.
Ismail (A.S) and Ishaq (A.S) was from Hajirah (A.S) and Saira (A.S) respectively.
Where is grave of Ibrahim (A.S)?
- Palestine
- Syria
- Israel
- Lebanon
- c
Title of Ibrahim (A.S) is Khaleel Ullah.
The name of Ibrahim (A.s) is mentioned in Quran for 69 times.
Name the Muslims among the slaves:
- Zaid Bin Haris (R.A)
- Usama Bin Ziad (R.A)
- Both
- None of these
- a
The name of Zaid Bin Haris (R.A) is also mentioned in Surah Ahzab of Quran Majeed.
Where is the grave of Yaqoob (A.S)?
- Syria
- Palestine
- Lebanon
- Jorden
- b
Yoqoob (A.S) was son of Ishaq (A.S).
Yoqoob (A.S) is also called Jacob.
He (A.S) was born in Syria and died in Palestine.
What was the name of the Camel which of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was riding in the Migration to Medina?
- Budul
- Qaswa
- Zulfiqar
- Anza
- b
Qaswa was favorite camel of Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Qaswa meaning in Arabic is “Muslim Boy Name or Blessed Ride”.
What was the significant event of 27 Rajab of 10th Year of Prophethood?
- Miraj
- Pledge of Aqaba
- Boycott
- Migration
- a
The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in the Holy Quran for…..times.
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- a
Surah Al-Imran
Surah Al-Ahzab
Surah Muhammad
Surah Al Fateh
Makki Period of the Holy Quran consist of:
- 13 Years 9 Months 29 Days
- 12 Years 9 Month 5 Days
- 12 Years
- 11 Years 2 Months 5 Days
- b
Holy Prophet (PBUH) spend almost 13 years in Mecca and 10 years in Medina after Prophethood.
The book of Hadith, Al-Muwatta was compiled by:
- Imam Malik
- Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal
- Imam Abu Haneefa
- Imam Shafi
- a
The real name of Imam Malik was Malik Ibn E Anas.
Al-Muwatta consist of 1720 Ahadees.