- Greek
- Chinese
- Sanskrit
- Hebrew
- c
Tamil is oldest language of the world.
Sanskrit is the second oldest language of the world.
Greek is third oldest language of the world.
Chinese is the fourth oldest language of the world.
The stars on the flag of US represents:
- States of US
- The number of Presidents
- Colonist Province of US
- Nonce of these
- a
There are 50 Stars on the flag of US that represents 50 states of US.
There are 13 strips that represents 13 colonies that were declared after independence from British.
The national drink of Pakistan is:
- Water
- Roh
- Lassi
- Pink Tea
- b
Government of Pakistan conducted a poll for declaration of National Juice of Pakistan.
81% people out of 7616 vote for Sugarcane Juice.
The world’s oldest mountain range is known as:
- Ander
- Alpa
- Himalya
- Hindu Kush
- c
Barberton Greenstone is the oldest mountain range in the world.
What is second highest peak of Pakistan?
- Nanga Parbat
- K-2
- Trich Mir
- Gasherbrum
- a
Nanga Parbat is located in Himalaya Range.
Nanga Parbat is also called Killer Mountain.
Its height is 8125 meters.
Pick Up:
- Carry weight with a jerk
- To recover health or grow stronger
- Collect flower from Garden
- Kind of Vehicle
- b
Its Phrase Verb
Hope against Hope:
- To hope even when the case is hopeless
- A work of Miracle
- Hope for bad luck
- A person always hoping without any action
- b
At large:
- Of bigger size
- A huge building
- At liberty, free
- Deep Jungle
- c
Be carried away:
- To walk carrying a load
- Under the influence of Emotions and not of reason
- A dead body carried to graveyard
- A term used in Hockey Game
- b
Out of bounds:
- Limitless
- Bound because of law
- Uncontrollable
- Outside the limits of area
- a
Out of bounds حد سے باہر
Limitless لامحدود