- Shakargarh
- Narowal
- Kasur
- Pasrur
- a
There were four Tehsils of Gurdwaspur at the time of separation:
The Disease Diphtheria affects …. In the Human Body:
- Throat
- Kidneys
- Intestine
- Joints
- a
Its an Infectious disease.
When a gas turns into a liquid the process is called:
- Evaporation
- Deposition
- Condensation
- None of these
- c
Liquid change into gas is called Evaporation.
The Earth takes about …… to complete one rotation around its axis:
- 48 Hours
- 24 Hours
- 72 Hours
- 84 Hours
- b
The Moon takes 27 days to complete rotation around its axis.
India Pakistan Boundary is:
- Radcliff
- Friendship Line
- McMahon
- Durand
- a
Afghanistan & Pakistan Boundary is Durand Line.
China & Pakistan Boundary is McMahon.
Height of K-2 is:
- 8811 M
- 8611 M
- 8612 M
- 7711 M
- b
K-2 is situated in Karakorum Mountain.
Its also known as Mount Godwin Austin.
House of Usman (R.A) remained besieged for?
- 30 days
- 50 days
- 40 days
- 60 days
The duration of Khilafat of Usman (R.A) was 12 years. He (R.A) was 3rd Khallifah.
Usman (R.A) was son in law of Muhammad (PBUH).
Which battle was fought between Ali (R.A) and Ameer Muawiya (R.A)?
- Jaml
- Safeen
- Mota
- Khandaq
- b
Battle Jaml was fought between Ali (R.A) and Ayesha (R.A).
What do you understand by a monitor of a computer?
- Software
- Input Device
- Output Device
- Hardware
- c
Which type of computers are known for their high accuracy?
- Digital
- Hybrid
- Analogue
- None of these
- a
First Digital Computer was developed by H.H.Aiken.