- 990 KM
- 800KM
- 700KM
- 850 KM
- a
The Line along a coast is called coast line.
Pakistan is located in:
- Asia
- South Asia
- North Asia
- East Asia
- b
Diamer Bhasha Dam is being constructed in:
- Punjab
- Gilgit
- Sindh
- b
It is constructed on River Indus.
Pakistan Joined the United Nations in:
- 1946
- 1947
- 1948
- 1949
- b
United Nations was established in 1945.
Pakistan Officially became the Islamic Republic of Pakistan according to the constitution of:
- 1955
- 1956
- 1954
- 1950
- b
Jaundice affects in the human body:
- Liver
- Kidneys
- Heart
- Eyes
- a
Signs & Symptoms
Yellow Skin
Dark Urine
White Eyes
Meteorology is the science of:
- Weather
- Earthquake
- Metals
- Planets
- a
Aristotle was the founder of Meteorology.
GPS is the abbreviation of:
- Global Poles System
- Global Positioning Structure
- Global Positioning system
- Global Polymer System
- c
Department of USA started work on GPS in 1973 and complete GPS system is invented in 1978.
Which is the cheapest and environmentally friendly source of electricity?
- Thermal
- Hydro Electric
- Solar
- Nuclear
- c
Oil & Gas based generation of Electricity is most costly.
Which is the national animal of Pakistan:
- Markhor
- Tiger
- Lion
- Cat
- a
National Bird is Chakor
National Juice is Sugarcane Juice
National Fruit is Mango
National Flower is Jasmine