- Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Lahore
- Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited
- Sui Northern Gas Pakistan Limited
- None of these
- b
All Solved Past Papers 2021 are included in this section.All Solved MCQs of 2021 of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
The average temperature for human is…….centi grade.
- 36
- 37
- 38
- 39
- b
37 Centi Grade is equal to 98.6 F.
Who is the first Punjabi Poet?
- Baba Farid
- Bulleh Shah
- Shah Hussain
- None of these
- a
Makran Coastal highway is called:
- N-09
- N-10
- N-11
- N-12
- b
The meat and eggs are rich in:
- Proteins
- Glucose
- Carbohydrates
- None of these
- a
Chashma Barrage was built in the year:
- 1960
- 1967
- 1970
- 1975
- b
Malam Jabba is associated with:
- Football
- Hockey
- Skating
- Cricket
- c
Nanga Parbat is ranked as the ……highest mountain of the world.
- 8th
- 9th
- 10th
- 10th
- b
The sun is a …….
- Star
- Planet
- Asteroid
- None of these
- a
The adult has average blood volume about……litres.
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- b