- Assistant
- Superintendent
- None of these
- a
All Solved Past Papers 2021 are included in this section.All Solved MCQs of 2021 of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
Highest Peak of Hindu Kush mountain range is:
- K2
- Nanga Parbat
- Tirich Mir
- Mount Everest
- c
The height of Tirich Mir is 7708 meters.
It is 33rd highest mountain of the world.
Which was first Private Airport of Pakistan?
- Multan
- Sialkot
- Karachi
- Gawadar
- b
Sialkot International Airport was approved in 2001.
This has Airport has capacity to deal 1,43,000 passengers annually.
Major Kharif Crop of Pakistan is:
- Wheat
- Cotton
- Barley
- Gram
- b
There are two types of Crops in Pakistan.
Jinnah Barrage has been built on River:
- Indus
- Jhelum
- Ravi
- Chenab
- a
The construction of Jinnah Barrage was started in 1939 and completed in 1946.
When did Quaid E Azam died?
- 22nd September 1947
- 11th September 1948
- 15th September 1948
- 13th March 1948
- b
Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah born on 25th December 1876.
Which country opposed Pakistan’s membership in the UN?
- Russia
- Afghanistan
- India
- b
Pakistan became member of UN on 30th September 1947.
Largest Muslim Country by area is:
- Saudi Arabia
- Kazakhstan
- Pakistan
- Indonesia
- b
Largest Country by population is Indonesia.
Shortest day of the year is:
- 21st December
- 10th January
- 30th January
- 31st November
- a
Longest day of the year is 21st June.
In which province most language are spoken?
- Punjab
- Baluchistan
- Sindh
- C
Mostly spoken language in Pakistan is Punjabi (48%).