- August 1999
- March 1998
- May 1998
- April 1998
- c
Pakistan Conducted First Nuclear Test on 28th May 1998 in District Chaghi, Baluchistan.
Pakistan celebrates “Yom E Takbeer” on 28th May every year.
All Solved Past Papers 2021 are included in this section.All Solved MCQs of 2021 of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
Who composed the verses of the National Anthem of Pakistan?
- Hafeez Jalandri
- Nasir Kazmi
- Allama Iqbal
- Faiz Ahmed Faiz
- a
Hafeez Jalandhi wrote National Anthem of Pakistan in 1952.
National Anthem of Pakistan was first time publically broadcast in 1954.
Hafeez Jalandhi include the National Anthem in his book “Chirag E Sehar”
The Inaugural meeting of the First Constitutional Assembly was held on:
- 19th June 1947
- 10th August 1947
- 14th August 1947
- 15th September 1947
- b
This first Session of Constitutional Assembly was held at Sindh Assembly Building Karachi.
The height of K2 is:
- 8720 Meters
- 8611 Meters
- 8100 Meters
- 8534 Meters
- b
K2 is also known as Godwin Austen.
K2 is 2nd Highest Mountain of the World.
K2 is National Mountain of Pakistan.
Which is the thinnest earth layer?
- Mantle
- Core
- Crust
- None of these
- c
There are three layers of Earth, which are:
Among these SAARC Countries which is not land locked?
- Bhutan
- Sri Lanka
- Nepal
- None of these
- b
Landlocked is a country which has no sea.
There are 44 landlocked countries in the world.
Which country is known as “Land of Rising Sun”?
- Canada
- Norway
- Japan
- Italy
- c
The sun rises in Japan, therfore, it is called “Land of Rises Sun”
Everybody knows Great Wall of China, Chinese erected this wall as a defense against:
- Mongols
- Iranians
- Indians
- Arabs
- a
Great Wall of China was built in 221 BC.
Where is UN Security Council Headquarter located?
- Paris
- Landon
- New York
- Geneva
- c
UNSC is main organ of UN.
It was founded on 24th October 1945.
UNSC has 15 members.
Which of the following Vitamin is produced in Human Body with the help of Sunlight?
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin B
- C
Vitamin D is also obtained from Fish, Oils, Egg yolks and etc.