- Disconnect
- Connected
- Rejected
- None of these
- a
Associate منسلک ہونا
Disconnect رابطہ ختم کرنا
All Solved Past Papers 2021 are included in this section.All Solved MCQs of 2021 of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
What is synonym of “Decent”?
- Odd
- Reasonable
- New
- All of the above
- b
Decent مہذب
Reasonable معقول
She must not be shy……telling truth.
- for
- of
- by
- None of these
- b
اسے سچ بولنے سے شرم نہیں آنی چاہئے
He has no aptitude ….English.
- on
- by
- of
- for
- d
انگریزی کے لئے اس کی کوئی دلچسپی نہیں ہے۔
We are stick ……him.
- by
- of
- for
- None of these
- a
ہم اس کی مدد سے قائم ہیں۔
He got….his illness in two weeks.
- on
- over
- by
- None of these
- b
وہ دو ہفتوں میں اپنی بیماری پر قابو پا گیا۔
Which of the following district is famous for Oranges?
- Sahiwal
- Sargodha
- Murree
- None of these
- b
What is length of Durand Line?
- 2230 Km
- 2250 Km
- 1950 Km
- None of these
- d
The length of Durand Line is 2611 Km according to survey of Pakistan 2020.
میں دوسروں پر انحصار کرنا پسند نہیں کرتا ۔
- متفق
- غیر متفق
- سخت متفق
- سخت غیر متفق
- a
میں حساس طبیعت کا مالک شخص ہوں ۔
- متفق
- غیر متفق
- سخت متفق
- سخت غیر متفق
- d