- Lahore
- Rawalpindi
- Islamabad
- Karachi
- c
All Solved Past Papers 2021 are included in this section.All Solved MCQs of 2021 of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
ANF is …..Law enforcement Agency.
- Provincial
- Federal
- Independent
- None of these
- b
Constitution of ANF is under:
- ACT 1978
- ACT 1973
- CNC ACT 1967
- ANF Act 1997
- d
Headquarter of ANF is located in which province?
- Baluchistan
- Sindh
- None of these
- d
Headquarter of ANF is located in Rawalpindi (Punjab).
How many Directories of ANF in Pakistan?
- 3
- 5
- 7
- 9
- b
How many years old canal system of Pakistan?
- 150
- 200
- 250
- 300
- a
The Muslims entered in Indus Valley in:
- 700 AD
- 712 AD
- 715 AD
- 730 AD
- b
The Muslims ruled the Sub Continent about:
- 100 Years
- 500 years
- 1000 Years
- 1200 Years
- C
Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah inaugurated the State Bank of Pakistan in:
- 1947
- 1948
- 1946
- 1945
- b
…….Paksitan connects Pakistan & China.
- Tochi
- Khunjrab
- Dasu
- Khyber
- b