- 30
- 32
- 34
- 36
- a
NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
All Solved Past Papers 2021 are included in this section.All Solved MCQs of 2021 of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
Minar E Pakistan was built in:
How many seats of Senate Pakistan?
- 100
- 104
- 110
- 342
- a
National Assembly has total 342 seats.
Gomel Dam is constructed in which district of KPK?
- D.I.Khan
- South Waziristan
- Banu
- North Waziristan
- b
The first women who embraced Islam?
- Ayesha (R.A)
- Khadija (R.A)
- Ruqaya (R.A)
- Habiba (R.A)
- b
Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A) embraced Islam first in Men.
Ali (R.A) embraced Islam first in children.
The last Ghazwa in which Holy Prophet (PBUH) participated was:
- Badar
- Uhad
- Mauta
- Khyber
- C
First Ghazwa was Abwa.
Hippocrates built a mosque which named?
- Masjid E Faisal
- Masjid E Aqsa
- Masjid E Haram
- Masjid E Zarar
- d
They will be in the lowest part of hell.
- Drug Edicts
- Hippocrates
- Liars
- Jealous People
- b
The first right of children is:
- Right of Treatment
- Right of Education
- Right of Playing
- None of the Above
- b
Whose title is “Tahira”?
- Habiba (R.A)
- Khadija (R.A)
- Ayesha (R.A)
- Ruqayya (R.A)
- b