- Prime Minister
- President
- Chancellor
- Mukhya Mantry
- c
Current Chancellor of Germany is Angela Markel since 2005.
She belong to Christian Democratic Union.
All Solved Past Papers 2021 are included in this section.All Solved MCQs of 2021 of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
Which of the following Agency deals with Food?
- None of these
- b
Food and Agriculture Organization
FAO was established on 16th October 1945 in Canada.
Port Qasim is located in:
- Lahore
- Karachi
- Islamabad
- Faisalabad
- b
Gomal Zam Dam is located in:
- Punjab
- Sindh
- Baluchistan
- c
This Dam is located in South Waziristan Agency KPK.
The height of this Dam is 133 meters.
What is Capital of Georgia?
- Tokyo
- Tblisi
- Chilli
- Dehli
- b
The Currency of Georgia is “Georgian Lari”.
F5 functional used in MS-Power Point for:
- Open Window
- Slide Show
- Open File
- Close Window
- b
F5 functional key is used for Refresh the system.
- 172
- 175
- 178
- 180
- a
Which of the following country is called “Land of Flowers”?
- Japan
- Netherlands
- India
- Canada
- b
Netherlands is called Land of Flowers / Country of Flowers.
Which of the following river does not flow in Baluchistan?
- Nhying River
- Hub River
- Hingol River
- Bolan River
- a
Dashti River
Hub River
Zhob River
Hingol River
Mula River
Bolan River
Nari River
Rohingya Muslims hail from?
- India
- Myanmar
- Canada
- China
- b
The old name of Myanmar was Burma.