Balochistan Police Department General Knowledge MCQs KPK Police Department Police Department Punjab Police Department Sindh Police Department Wireless Operator

Pakistan Steel Mill is located in:

  • Lahore
  • Islamabad
  • Quetta
  • Karachi
  • d
  • Pakistan Steel Mill was founded on 2nd July 1973 by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
    Pakistan Steel Mill was inagurated by President General Zial Ul Haq on 15th January 1985.
    Pakistan Steel Mill was established with the financial support of Russia.

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Balochistan Police Department General Knowledge MCQs KPK Police Department Police Department Punjab Police Department Sindh Police Department Wireless Operator

A shape which has four sides equal in size is called:

  • Square
  • Triangle
  • Cube
  • None of these
  • a
  • The shape which has all four engles equal is also called Square.
    The shape which has all three sides equal in size and same in angle as 60 degree is called Triangle.

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