- Sleep : Soporific
- Punctuality : Punctilious
- Authority : Officious
- Threat : Menacing
- d
All Solved Current and Past Papers of 2025 are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Year 2025 are solved with short detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this portion of Past Papers 2025 on daily basis.
Hajj is not completed unless you go to ____
- Mina
- Muzdalifa
- Arafat
- None of these
- c
Which Kalmah is recited on the way to Mina?
- Kalma Shahadat
- Kalma Rad E Kufar
- Kalma E Toheed
- None of these
- c
How many Sunnah in Hajj?
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- b
There are 3 Farz and 10 Sunnah in Hajj.
How many Khutba are delivered during Hajj?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- a
Khutba Hajja Tul Wida was delivered at the time of Hajj by Holy Prophet (PBUH) on 9th Zulhijjah 10 AH in Arafat.
Kissing of Hajar E Aswad is called:
- Rami
- Umrah
- Istilam
- None of these
- c
The original colour of Hajar E Aswad was white.
Yom E Arafat is also called:
- Hajj Day
- Yom Al Waqf
- Yom Ul Nihar
- None of these
- b
Yom E Arafat is also known as “The Day of Standing”.
It is 9th Day of Zulhajj.
Hajj is _____ fundamental pillar of Islam.
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 5th
- 5th
- d
There are five fundamental pillars of Islam which are Shahadat, Salat, Zakat, Soam and Hajj.
Muzdalfa is located between:
- Mina and Safa
- Safa and Marwa
- Mina and Arafat
- None of these
- c
Muzdalifa is an open and flate space in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
Who was first Ameer E Hajj?
- Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A)
- Ali (R.A)
- Umar Farooq (R.A)
- Muhammad (PBUH)
- a
First Hajj was performed in 9 AH.
Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed Hajj in 10 AH.