- Country
- Ocean
- City
- River
- b
Pacific is an Ocean name.
Police Department
All Police Department Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Website. All Police Department MCQs are solved with detailed answers.
What is number that is one half of one quarter of one tenth of 800?
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 20
- b
One tenth of 800=80
One quarter of 80=20
One half of 20=10
Which one of the four is least like other three?
- Bicycle
- Car
- Bus
- Van
- a
All of the vehicles needs fuel.
Which one of the four is least like the other three?
- Cow
- Tiger
- Rabbit
- Deer
- b
Cow, Rabbit and Deer are Herbivores.
Tiger is a Predator.
Read below sentence and give the correct answer: Book is to reading As Fork is to…….
- Eating
- Writing
- Cutting
- Paining
- a
You will make best combination or relation of words.
What number is best match? 8:4 As 10:?
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 20
- a
8 is double then 4.
10 is double then 5.
Solve: -100+45=?
- -55
- 55
- 65
- 75
- a
What is 25% of 1000 divided by 25?
- 10
- 45
- 55
- 100
- a
1000 / 25= 40
40 / 4=10
What is 50% of 500 divided by 5?
- 20
- 50
- 70
- 90
- b
500 / 5=100
100 / 2=50
Which number should come next in series? 48,10,46,16,44,22,? ?
- 28,42
- 20,22
- 42,28
- 30,34
- c
48-2=46 10+6=16
46-2=44 16+6=22
44-2=42 22+6=28