- Chad
- Rwanda
- Spain
- Guyana
- b
Rwanda is a country of East Africa.
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
Abu Al Bashar is the title of :
- Nooh (A.S)
- Ismail (A.S)
- Adam (A.S)
- Shoaib (A.S)
- c
Shoaib (A.S) Khateeb Ul Ambiya
Nooh (A.S) Adam E Sani
Ismail (A.S) Zabeeh Ullah
……is called the city of Lights.
- France
- Germany
- Babgkok
- None of these
- a
Bangkok is called city of Angels.
……..is called the land of “Rising Sun”?
- Australia
- Japan
- Netherland
- b
Thailand is called the land of Elephant.
Land of Five Rivers is called Punjab (Pakistan).
Lebanon is called the land of Milk and Honey.
Malaria is a disease which effects the:
- Heart
- Kidney
- Spleen
- Lungs
- C
Khadija (R.A) and Abu Talib died in:
- 618 AD
- 619 AD
- 620 AD
- 621 AD
- b
This Year 619 AD is called Aam Ul Huzn (Year of Sorrow).
Which continent has highest number of countries?
- South Asia
- Europe
- Asia
- Africa
- d
Asia 48
Africa 54
Australia 03
South America 14
North America 23
Europe 15
Antarctica No Country
White Elephant is found in which country ?
- Sri Lanka
- India
- Thailand
- Malaysia
- C
Which of the following country is called the “Playground of Europe”?
- Italy
- Holland
- Australia
- Switzerland
- d
Which of the following country gifted the “Statue of Liberty to USA”?
- Russia
- Germany
- France
- None of these
- c
France gifted the Statue of Liberty to USA in 1886.