- Sardar Muhammad Chaudhry
- Hafiz S.D Jamey
- Ehsan Sadiq
- Qurban Ali Khan
- B
The book “Police, Crime and Politics” was published in 1997.
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
When was the charter of Madina (Meesaq Al Madina) adopted?
- 1 AH
- 3 AH
- 4 AH
- 5 AH
- a
Constitution of Madina / Charter of Madina / Dastur E Madina / Meesaq E Madina consist of 47 clauses.
While migrating (Hijrat) from Makkah to Madina the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A) found refuge in:
- Thawr Cave
- Shoaib Valley
- Hills of State
- None of these
- a
Muhammad (PBUH) and Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A) stayed in Gar E Soar for 03 days.
When did fasting become a Farz (obligation) in Islam?
- 1 AH
- 2 AH
- 3 AH
- 4 AH
Roza and Zakat became obligation in 2 AH.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered his farewell sermon at Arafat on:
- 7th Zilhajj
- 8th Zilhajj
- 9th Zilhajj
- 10th Zilhajj
- C
Muhammad (PBUH) delivered the Khutba Hajja tul Wida on 9th Zilhajj, 10 AH.
The battle of Jamal was fought between Aisha (R.A) and:
- Usman (R.A)
- Talha (R.A)
- Muawiya (R.A)
- Ali (R.A)
- d
Jang E Jamal is also known as Battle of Camel.
Jang E Jamal was fought on 13th Jamadi Ul Awwal 36 AH at Basra, Iraq.
Which book of Ibn Khuldoon made him famous?
- Muqaddamah
- Kitab Ul Futuh
- Mujam Al Baldan
- None of these
- a
Ibn E Khuldoon was an Arab Historian.
Ibn E Khuldoon published this book in 1377.
On which day is the Human Rights Day observed?
- 10th December
- 25th July
- 04th May
- 10th January
- a
Human Rights Day first time celebrated on 10th December 1948.
In which country was the first Truth and Reconciliation Commission established?
- South Africa
- Brazil
- India
- b
First Truth and Reconciliation Commission was established in South Africa in 1995.
Nelson Mandela is the founder of First Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa.
Which theory of Justice is based on the principle “Kill the sin not the Sinner”?
- Restrictive Theory
- Deterrent Theory
- Retributive Theory
- Reformative Theory
- d