- Large number of horses.
- A large number of insects together
- Group of Unidentified flying objects
- Large Number of Fish Swimming
- d
Shoal or School is a group of Fish which swims in a group and in a unique style for protection of all.
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
What is mixture of Potassium Nitrate, Charcoal and Sulpher called?
- Gunpowder
- Paint
- Brass
- Aluminium
- a
Gunpowder was invented by Choe Museon in 1377.
States of Dir, Chitral and Swat were incorporated in NWFP in:
- 1947
- 1956
- 1960
- 1969
- d
These States announced for merge in Pakistan in 1947 but properly accepted the Law of Pakistan and merged into Pakistan in 1969.
The first OIC Summit conference was held in:
- Lahore
- Jeddah
- Rabat
- Cairo
- C
OIC stands for Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
First conference was held between 22-25 September 1969.
“Liberty, Equity, Fraternity” as a slogan was the hallmark of the:
- Cuban Revolution
- American War of Independence
- Bolshevik Resolution
- French Resolution
- d
French Revolution was started on 05th May 1789 and ended up on 09th November 1799.
Choose the correct sentence among following:
- He was promote DSP
- He promoted as DSP
- He was promted as DSP
- He was promoted as DSP
- d
He was promoted as DSP
He was promted as DSP
Which file is responsible to start MS Word?
- Windows.exe
- Win.exe
- Word.exe
- None of these
- a
Synonym of “Rookie” is:
- A new recruit
- Expert
- Professional
- An Old man
- a
Dushanbe is the capital of:
- Uzbekistan
- Kazakhstan
- Turkmenistan
- Tajikistan
- d
Tajikistan is located in Central Asia.
Tajikistan is a landlocked country.
What was the name of the Quaid E Azam’s Wife ?
- Emibbal Jinnah
- Rattal Jinnah
- Maryam Jinnah
- None of these
- a
Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had two marriages.
One wife name is Emibbal Jinnaha and second name is RattanBai Jinnah