- Science of Light
- Science of Sound
- Science of Waves
- None of these
- b
Science of Light is called Optics.
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
In computer system word “Boot” is used for:
- To start a computer
- To shutdown system
- To exit opened software
- To start up a driver
- a
A program used to view World Wide Web (WWW) pages, such as Google, Yahoo and Internet Explorer is called:
- Internet
- Messenger
- Operating System
- Browser
- d
Software program that control a piece of hardware is called:
- Driver
- Messenger
- Browser
- Control Panel
- a
Driver is a piece of software that allows computer’s OS to communicate with hardware device.
URL is an abbreviation of:
- Uniform Resource Locator
- Universal Room Locator
- Universal Resources Locator
- None of these
- a
Tim Berners Lee re-introduced the URL in 1994 on the behalf of WWW.
All the files deleted from the computer stored in the:
- Desktop
- C Drive
- My Computer
- Recycle Bin
- d
Windows 2007 is a (an):
- DOS System
- Word Processor
- Application Software
- Operating System
- d
Windows-7 was introduced on 22nd October 2009.
888 / 0.8 * 8 = ?
- 8880
- 8000
- 8008
- 8007
- a
Rashid buys 3 books for Rs.16 each and four books for Rs:23 each. What will be the average price of the books?
- 18
- 20
- 22
- 24
- b
total price=140
total books =7
Average Rage of Books = 140/7=20 Rupees
Imran made a profit of 20 percent in the first year. Next year he had a loss of 25 percent on the capital he had at the beginning of second year. What was his overall loss?
- 05 Percent
- 10 Percent
- 12 Percent
- 15 Percent
- b