- 11000 Km
- 11300 Km
- 11765 Km
- 11881 Km
- d
Total length of Railway Track of Pakistan is 11881 Km / 7383 Miles.
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
First Railway Track of Pakistan was drawn in which year?
- 1857
- 1878
- 1881
- 1890
- c
First Railway Track of Pakistan became operational on 13th March 1881.
First Railway Track of Pakistan was drawn between:
- Lahore & Rawalpindi
- Karachi & Rohri
- Karachi & Hyderabad
- Khanewal & Sahiwal
- b
What is total length of first Railway Track in Pakistan?
- 169 Km
- 173 Km
- 181 Km
- 189 Km
- a
The length of first railway track in Pakistan is 169 Km / 105 Miles.
صحیح مسلم کتنی احادیث پر مشتمل ہے؟
- 7500
- 7563
- 7630
- 7670
- b
امام مسلم کا اصل نام کیا تھا؟
- ابو الحسن مسلم القشیری
- ابو الحسین مسلم بن الحجاج
- ابوالحسن مسلم الزہراوی
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
- b
امام مسلم کا پور انام ابو الحسین مسلم بن الحجاج بن مسلم القشیری بن درین تھا۔ابو الحسن آپکی کنیت تھی اور عساکرالدین آپکا لقب تھا۔آپ کا تعلق عرب کے مشہور قبیلہ اور خاندان بنو قشیر سے تھا۔آپ نیشا پور ایران میں پیدا ہوئے اور 5 مئی 875 عیسوی کو نیشا پور ایران میں وفات پائی۔
How many Tehsils in Punjab Province of Pakistan?
- 100
- 116
- 135
- 152
- d
Total area of Punjab is 2,05,344 Km/Sq. There are 11 Divisions, 42 Districts and 152 Tehsils in Punjab, Pakistan.
RAM stands for?
- Random Access Memory
- Read Only Memory
- Read Actual Memory
- None of these
- a
RAM :Random Access Memory
ROM : Read Only Memory
CPU stands for:
- Common Processing Unit
- Central Processing Unit
- Casual Processing Unit
- None of these
- b
CPU is also called the brain of Computer System.
If a computer has more then one processor then it is called:
- Uni-processor
- Multi-processor
- Multi-Threaded
- None of these
- b
First Multi-Processor computer was developed in 2001.