- Attock
- Multan
- Khairpur
- Thatta
- d
River Indus starts making delta near Thatta and Badin.
Sindh Police Department
Which city is famous for its Kirana Hill?
- Lahore
- Sahiwal
- Sangla Hills
- Quetta
- c
Saargodha is also famous for its Kirana Hills.
The upper Indus Plain consist of areas between Attock to:
- Sukkur
- Hyderabad
- Mithankot
- Multan
- c
Mithankot is also known as Kot Mithan.
Kot Mithan is a tehsil of District Rajanpur, South Punjab.
Which river lies to the South of Safed Koh Range?
- Kurram River
- Kabul River
- Swat River
- Gomal River
- a
The length of Kurrum River is 320 Km.
It is located in KPK.
Which valley is located at the end of Kurram Pass?
- Kohat Valley
- Quetta Valley
- Bannu Valley
- None of these
- a
This valley is located in District Kohat, KPK
Which peak is located in Karakorum Range?
- K2
- Rakaposhi
- Nanga Parbat
- Takht E Sulaiman
- a
K2 is the second highest mountain of the World.
K2 is highest mountain range of Pakistan.
K2 length is 8611 meters.
K2 also called Godwin Austin.
K2 is national mountain of Pakistan.
Which mountain range has length of 2700 km?
- Pir Panjal
- Karakorum
- Himalayas
- Hindu Kush
- c
Durand Line was demarcated in 1893. This line was formed in:
- Pak-Iran Border
- Pak-India Border
- Pak-Afghan Border
- Pak-China Border
- c
Durand Line agreement was signed on 12th November 1893 in Kabul, Afghanistan.
This agreement was signed between Sir Mortimer Durand (Secretary of British India) and Abdur Rehman Khan (Ruler of Afghanistan).
Pakistan has between the latitudes of 24 degree to:
- 36.75 Degree South
- 36.75 Degree North
- 36.75 Degree West
- 36.75 Degree East
- b
Pakistan has between the latitudes of 24 to 37 degree to North.
The first nuclear power plant in Pakistan was established at:
- Islamabad
- Karachi
- Chashma
- Mianwali
- b
First Nuclear Power Plaint in Pakistan was established in Karachi in 1971.