- 27
- 28
- 29
- 30
- c
Sindh Police Department
Battle of Pllasy was fought in?
- 1755
- 1756
- 1757
- 1758
- c
Battle of Pllasy was fought on 23rd June 1757 between Saraj Ud Doula and British Raj.
Saraj Ud Doula was last Nawab of Bengal.
Where Esa (A.S) born?
- Ghaza Strip
- Bait Ul Lehm
- Tel Aviv
- None of these
- b
Bait Ul Lehm is situated in Jerusalem.
Palestine is also called the Land of Prophets.
He is not eligible……this post.
- to
- for
- but
- in
- b
وہ اس عہدے کے اہل نہیں ہے۔
They will not call…..the meeting?
- of
- up
- at
- off
- b
وہ جلسہ نہیں طلب کریں گے۔
You ought to abide…..the decision.
- of
- with
- from
- by
- d
آپ کو فیصلے کی پاسداری کرنی چاہئے
She has been waiting …..3 hours.
- to
- that
- for
- since
- c
وہ 3 گھنٹے انتظار کر رہی ہے۔
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Senate consist of ……….seats.
- 100
- 104
- 110
- 120
- a
There were 104 seats in Senate but after merging FATA in KPK there are total seats 100 in Senate.
National Assembly of Pakistan consist of…….seats.
- 342
- 272
- 100
- 104
- a
Total Seats 342
General Seats 282
Women quota Seats 60
Minorities Seats 10
Who is the head of Cabinet?
- President
- President
- Prime Minister
- None of these
- c
According to Constitution of Pakistan, Head of the State is President of Pakistan.