- Ayub Khan
- Ashfaq Ahmed
- Patras Bukhari
- Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
- a
Ayub Khan published this book “Friends Not Master” in 1958.
All Assistant Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Assistant Post MCQs are solved with detailed answers.
Which of the following Country was paid an official visit to the first prime minister of Pakistan?
- Afghanistan
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- c
This visit was occurred in 23-26 May 1950 by first Prime Minister of Pakistan Liaqat Ali Khan.
Shah Abdul Latif wrote his poetry in:
- Pashto
- Balochi
- Punjabi
- Sindhi
- d
CNG stands for:
- Converted National Gas
- Compressed Neutral Gas
- Compressed Natural Gas
- Concentrated Natural Gas
- c
CNG is methane gas, which is stored at high pressure.
McMahan Line is the border between:
- Pakistan & China
- Iran & Turkey
- India & China
- Afghanistan & Pakistan
- c
The length of McMahan Line is 885 KM.
Which Year is called the Year of Sorrow?
- 9th Nabvi
- 10th Nabvi
- 11th Nabvi
- 12th Nabvi
- b
This year is called year of sorrow because wife of Muhammad (PBUH) Khadija (R.A) and Uncle Abu-Talib was died in this year.
Which UN Agency deals with matters relating to children?
- c
UNICEF stands for United Nations Children Fund.
It was founded in 11 December 1946.
The HQ of UNICEF is in New York, United States.
The Nisab of Zakaat is:
- 52-1/2 tola silver Or 10-1/2 tola Gold
- 52-1/2 tola silver Or 7-1/2 tola Gold
- 52-1/2 tola silver Or 9-1/2 tola Gold
- 52-1/2 tola silver Or 8-1/2 tola Gold
- b
The Middle East News Agency (MENA) is of:
- Iraq
- Egypt
- Saudi Arabia
- Qatar
- b
MENA news agency is run by Egyptian Government.
It was founded in 15 December 1955.
“Gypsum” is one of the important mineral resources of Punjab is found in:
- Kalabagh
- Harappa
- Warcha
- Khawra
- c