- Sukkur
- Agra
- Lahore
- Khairpur
- d
Faiz Mehal was built by Mir Sohrab Khan in 1798.
Constable (PHP)
All Solved Constable PHP Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy. All MCQs of Constable Punjab Highway Patrol are solved with detailed answers.
The Federal Shariat Court was established in the year:
- 1879
- 1980
- 1985
- 1990
- b
The tenure of Federal Shariat Court Judge is 3 Years.
Current Chief Justice of Federal Shariat Court is Muhammad Noor Miskanzai.
Urdu Hindi Controversy started in:
- 1867
- 1869
- 1871
- 1876
- a
Urdu was Official language in 1867.
Some Hindu’s started campaign to change the official language from Urdu to Hindi.
What is 80% of 250 ?
- 200
- 210
- 220
- 250
- a
Kagali is capital of …….
- Chad
- Rwanda
- Spain
- Guyana
- b
Rwanda is a country of East Africa.
Abu Al Bashar is the title of :
- Nooh (A.S)
- Ismail (A.S)
- Adam (A.S)
- Shoaib (A.S)
- c
Shoaib (A.S) Khateeb Ul Ambiya
Nooh (A.S) Adam E Sani
Ismail (A.S) Zabeeh Ullah
……is called the city of Lights.
- France
- Germany
- Babgkok
- None of these
- a
Bangkok is called city of Angels.
……..is called the land of “Rising Sun”?
- Australia
- Japan
- Netherland
- b
Thailand is called the land of Elephant.
Land of Five Rivers is called Punjab (Pakistan).
Lebanon is called the land of Milk and Honey.
Malaria is a disease which effects the:
- Heart
- Kidney
- Spleen
- Lungs
- C
Khadija (R.A) and Abu Talib died in:
- 618 AD
- 619 AD
- 620 AD
- 621 AD
- b
This Year 619 AD is called Aam Ul Huzn (Year of Sorrow).