- 1860
- 1867
- 1888
- 1895
- b
1867 میں کچھ شر پسند ہندوؤں نے بنارس سے ایک تحریک شروع کی جس میں مطالبہ کیا گیا کہ اردو کی جگہ ہندی کو سرکاری زبان قرار دیا جائے۔
Constable (SPU)
Constable SPU Solved Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy. All Constable Special Protection Unit SPU Solved MCQs are with detailed answers.
De-abbreviate: Computer Abbreviation KB stands for:
- Mega Byte
- Kilo Byte
- Giga Byte
- None of these
- b
KB Kilobyte
MB Megabyte
GB Gigabyte
TB Terabyte
RAM stands for:
- Random Access Memory
- Real Actual Memory
- Random Accurate Memory
- None of these
- a
RAM is also called Volatile Memory or Primary Memory.
ROM stands for:
- Real Access Memory
- Read Only Memory
- Read Access Memory
- None of these
- b
RAM is also called Non-Volatile Memory or Secondary Memory.
How many types of Computer Memory?
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- b
Windows is an:
- Software
- Operating System
- Browser
- None of these
- b
USB stands for:
- Universal Second Bus
- Universal Special Bus
- Universal Serial Bus
- Ultra Serial Bus
- c
USB was invented by Ajay Bhatt in 1995.
Cathode Ray Tube is a form of:
- Monitor
- Mouse
- Keyboard
- Motherboard
- a
Cathode Ray Tube was invented in 1897 by Karl Ferdinand Braun.
Who invented computer?
- Mark Zukerberg
- Charles Babbage
- Bill Gates
- None of these
- b
Charles Babbage invented first computer in 1832.
Charles Babbage was an English Mathematician, Philosopher and Engineer.
MAN stands for:
- Manual Area Network
- Metropolitan Area Network
- Most Area Network
- None of these
- b
There are four main types of Networks,which are: