- 1970
- 1972
- 1975
- 1980
- a
Balochistan became province on 1st July 1970.
Quetta is the Capital City of Balochistan.
Balochistan is the largest Province of Paksitan area wise.
The area of Balochistan is 3,47,190 Km2.
PPSC Past Papers
All PPSC Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) Questions are solved with detailed answers.
The Soan and the Haro are the two rivers of:
- Balochistan Plateau
- North Area
- Pothohar Plateau
- Azad Kashmir
- c
Soan River and Haro river are located in Pakistan.
The length of Soan River is 250 Km.
The length of Haro River is 120 Km.
What is meant by “Sine die”?
- Without fixing a date
- Treason
- Under Judicial Considerations
- Superior Court
- a
“Ibn Battutah” a famous traveler belonged to:
- Iran
- Syria
- Indonesia
- Morocco
- d
Ibn E Battutah travelled for 30 Years in the old World.
“Shadow Cabinet” is:
- A specialized group of critics formed by the opposition party in the parliament.
- Some Ministers very close to Prime Minister
- Cabinet announced by the majority part of the government
- None of these
- a
Shadow Cabinet commonly known as “Senior Group of Opposition or Spokesperson of Opposition”.
What is contraband?
- Articles banned by a Government
- All Narcotics
- Goods which may assist an enemy in the conduct of war
- None of these
- C
Contraband is known as Smuggled Goods.
“Philately” is:
- The study of animal behavior
- The study of written record
- Science of Drugs
- Postage Stamp Collection Activies
- d
Philately is the study about stamps, History of Stamps as a hobby or a study research and etc.
Philately was introduced in 1840 as the introduction of first postage stamp.
In a flight of 600 kms, an aircraft was slowed down due to bad wealth and the average speed was reduced by 200 km/hour and the time of flight increased by 30 minutes. What is the total duration of flight?
- 01 Hour
- 02 Hours
- 03 Hours
- 04 Hours
- d
There is a limit…..everything in life.
- On
- With
- To
- From
- c
زندگی میں ہر چیز کی ایک حد ہوتی ہے۔
Silvio Berlusconi is:
- Famous Painter
- Ex-Prime Minister of Italy
- Ex-Secretary General of UN
- None of these
- b
Silviio Berlusconi became the Prime Minister of Italy four times.
Silvio Berlusconi is also known as Media Tycoon in Italy.