- 42nd
- 44th
- 45th
- 46th
- b
Barack Hussain Obama was 44th President of America and served as President of America from 2009 to 2017.
Barack Obama belongs to Democratic Political Party of America.
PPSC Past Papers
All PPSC Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) Questions are solved with detailed answers.
According to Holy Quran …..is an unpardonable Sin.
- Fomication
- Murder
- Not performing Salat
- Shirk
- d
شرک کی 2 اقسام ہیں۔
شرک باالذات
شرک بالصفات
The term Butterfly Stroke is associated with which of the following sports?
- Rowing
- Swimming
- Boxing
- Golf
- b
There are basically four strokes in swimming, which are:
Butterfly Stroke
Front Crawl Stroke
Breast Stroke
Back Stroke
Complete the series : 3,5,10,12,24,26,……
- 52
- 54
- 56
- 58
- a
”And you do see the people enter Allah’s Religion in crowds”, This is a translation of a Quranic Verse. It is included in Surah……
- Kafirun
- Nasar
- Fathia
- Qadar
- b
سورہ ال نصر ، قرآن مجید کی 110 نمبر پر سورہ ہے۔
اللہ تعالی سورہ نصر کی آیت نمبر 02 میں فرماتا ہے
”اور لوگوں کو اللہ کے دین میں فوج در جوج داخل ہوتے دیکھئے ”
The Magna Carta was agreement by King John of England in:
- 1211 AD
- 1215 AD
- 1312 AD
- 1325 AD
- b
The meaning of Magna Carta is “The Great Charter”.
This charter is basically consist of rights of whole society from a layman to King.
Magna Carta was signed on 15th June 1515.
Who among the following is the founder of Wikipedia?
- Jimmy Wales
- Mark Fletcher
- Peer Schelder
- Byron Looper
- a
Wikipedia was launched on 15th January 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.
Before his appointment as the US Secretary of State. Rex Tillerson was the CEO of:
- Boeing Corporation
- Union Taxas Oil Company
- Exxon Mobile Corporation
- d
Rex Wayne Tillerson was 69th Secretary of United States.
He belongs to Republican Political Party of America.
What is synonym of “Obdurate”?
- Docile
- Stubborn
- Obscure
- Flexible
- b
“A Jewish national home” in Palestine was pledged:
- By British Empire in 1917
- BY USA in 1948
- BY UNO in 1947
- By Allied Powers in 1915
- a