- 1948
- 1965
- 1973
- 1999
- a
اس مسئلہ کے حل کے لئے ہی سندھ طاس معاہدہ طے پایا تھا۔
History MCQs
History MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded on ETEST Website. All History. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis. Questions are solved with short detail.
انگریزوں کے خلاف جنگ آزادی لڑی گئی؟
- 1850
- 1857
- 1860
- 1876
- b
برصغیر میں آخری مغل حکمران کون تھا؟
- ظہیر الدین بابر
- شیر شاہ سوری
- بہادر شاہ ظفر
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
- c
برصغیر میں پہلا مغل باشاہ کا نام ظہیر الدین بابر تھا۔
تقسم ہند کے وقت کشمیر ایک شاہی ریاست تھی ، جس پر ایک ۔۔۔۔حکمران حکومت کرتا تھا
- سکھ
- ہندو
- مسلمان
- انگریز
- a
تقسیم ہند کے وقت کشمیر پر راجہ ہری سنگھ کی حکومت تھی ۔
War of Independce 1857 was started on which date:
- 5th May 1857
- 7th May 1857
- 9th May 1857
- 10th May 1857
- d
War of Independence 1857 was ended up on 1st November 1858.
British Government Sold Kashmir to:
- Gulab Singh
- Hari Singh
- Balwant Singh
- None of these
- a
British Government sold Kashmir to Gulab Sign on 16th March 1846 against 75 Lakh Nanak Shahi Coins.
What is name of Autobiography of Mughal Emperor Babar?
- Tazk E Babari
- Bang E Dara
- Raja Gidh
- None of these
- a
Tazk E Babari is also known as “Babar Nama”
The original written language of Tazk E Babari is Turkish Language.
First Battle of Panipat was fought in:
- 1526
- 1530
- 1538
- 1572
- a
First Battle of Panipat 1526
Second Battle of Panipat 1556
Third Battle of Panipat 1761
Who was the founder of Mughal Emperor?
- Zaheer Ud Din Babar
- Zafar Ali Shah
- Jahangir
- None of these
- a
Bahadur Shah Zafar was last Mughal Emperor.
Urdu Hindi Controversy started in:
- 1867
- 1869
- 1871
- 1876
- a
Urdu was Official language in 1867.
Some Hindu’s started campaign to change the official language from Urdu to Hindi.