- Connection
- Boredom
- Interruption
- Delay
- c
مجھے ایسی جگہ چاہیے جہاں میں بغیر کسی رکاوٹ کے کام کر سکوں
All Categories
My finger is still _____ where I caught it in the door yesterday.
- Sore
- Bruised
- Wounded
- None of these
- b
میری انگلی پر ابھی تک چوٹ ہے جو کل دروازے میں آئی تھی۔
Of the three brothers, Ali is the ____
- Tallest
- Taller
- Most tallest
- None of these
- a
تین بھائیوں میں علی سب سے لمبا ہے۔
The cashier _____ the money and signed a receipt for it.
- Accounted
- Counts
- Counting
- Counted
- d
کیشئر نے رقم گن کر اس کی رسید پر دستخط کر دیئے۔
The insects are a great nuisance _____ us.
- At
- To
- For
- In
- c
کیڑے مکوڑے ہمارے لیے بہت بڑی پریشانی ہیں۔
Ten miles _____ a long way to walk.
- Is
- Are
- At
- Are being
- a
دس میل پیدل چلنا ایک طویل راستہ ہے۔
Security arrangements have been tightened in all _____ areas.
- Sensitive
- Sensational
- Sensible
- Feasible
- a
تمام حساس مقامات پر سکیورٹی کے انتظامات سخت کر دیے گئے ہیں۔
Wright Brothers are widely famous for their invention of _____
- Bicycle
- Car
- Telephone
- Aeroplane
- d
Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright invented the Aeroplane on 17th December 1903.
They were brothers and belonged to America.
Aligarh School was founded by ____
- Allama Iqbal
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
- None of these
- c
Aligarh School is known as Muhammadan Anglo Oriental College (MAO) or Madrassatul Ullom Musalman E Hind.
It was established in 1875 and became Aligarh Muslim University in 1921.
Which river is most often mentioned in Bible?
- Jordan
- Colorado
- Ganges
- None of these
- a
There is mentioned River Jorden, River Nile and River Euphrates.
Bible is one from the four holy books which was revealed on Esa (A.S).