- Cream
- Butter
- Juice
- Ghee
- c
- Neat
- More Neat
- Neatest
- The neatest
- d
اس کا کام سب سے صاف ہے۔
- In
- Of
- By
- Too
- b
اسے امتحان میں پہلی جماعت حاصل کرنے کا یقین تھا۔
- Hearty
- Formal
- Impair
- Achievable
- a
Cordial دوستانہ
Hearty دلدار
- 2
- 6
- 18
- 40
- d
+ means +
- means x
/ (devide) means +
x means –
36 * 12 + 4 / 6 + 2 – 3
36 – 12 + 4 + 6 + 2* 3
- Window
- Bed
- Flower
- Cooler
- a
Room is called Bed.
Bed is called Window.
Window is called Flower.
Flower is called Cooler.
- Thoughtful: Laughter
- Surprising: Amazing
- Awful: Sympathy
- Unclear: Contrast
- b
Irrational غیر معقول
Illogical غیر منطقی
Surprising حیران کن
Amazing حیرت انگیز
"Irrational" and "Illogical" are synonyms, just as "Surprising" and "Amazing" are synonyms or near-synonyms. Both pairs contain words that convey closely related concepts.
- Ball: Match
- River: Island
- Sunlight: Twilight
- Bow: Arrow
- c
Soup صابن
Dessert میٹھا
Sunlight سورج کی روشنی
Twilight سورج غروب ہوتے وقت کی روشنی
Sunlight is associated with the day, while twilight is associated with the transition to night, similar to the sequential relationship of soup (beginning) and dessert (end).
- Clean
- Dirty
- Scrubbed
- None of these
- b
Filthy گندی
Dirty گندی