- Lahore Exchange
- Islamabad Exchange
- None of these
- c
KSE stands for Karachi Stock Exchange.
KSE was established n 18th September 1947.
Where is located oldest well of oil in Pakistan?
- Chaghi Area
- Toot Area
- Gilgit Baltistan
- None of these
- b
This oldest oil well is located in Toot area, Pothohar Plateau, Punjab, Pakistan.
First Oil well drilled in 1964, when President of Paksitan was Ayub Khan.
Eiffel Tower of Pakistan is …..
- Miner Tower
- Blue Tower
- Both A & B
- None of these
- a
Eiffel Tower of Pakistan is located in Bahria Town, Lahore.
Which of the following is National Flower of Pakistan?
- Jasmine
- Gulab
- Kali
- None of these
- a
National Flower Jasmine
National Juice Sugar Cane Juice
National Sweet Gulab Jamin
Sui Gas was discovered in …..in Balochistan.
- 1952
- 1953
- 1954
- 1955
- a
The commercial supply of Sui Gas was started in 1955.
Which is the largest river of Pakistan?
- River Indus
- River Ravi
- River Jhelum
- River Chenab
- a
The length of River Indus is 3180 Km.
Which blood group is called Universal Donor?
- O Positive
- O Negative
- A Negative
- A Positive
- b
The Universal Receptor is AB Positive.
How much part of Pakistan’s Flag is green?
- 2/3 part
- 1/3 part
- 4/3 part
- 3/3 part
- a
Flag of Pakistan was designed by Syed Ameer Ud Din Kidwaii on 11th August 1947.
Which gas is used in Refrigerator?
- Amonia
- Carbon
- Oxygen
- Nitrogen
- a
The Chemical Formula of Amonis is NH3.
According to population, Pakistan’s ranking in the world is …..
- 4th
- 5th
- 6th
- 7th
- b
In Islamic Countries, Paksitan is Second Populous Country in the world.