- River Danube
- Palk Strait
- Strait of Gibraltar
- Red Sea
- C
What is situated at the southernmost tip of the Earth?
- America
- Antarctica
- Iceland
- All of these
- B
There are seven continent in the world.
Ping Pong is another name of which game?
- Snooker
- Table Tennis
- Hockey
- Volleyball
- b
The old name of Table Tennis was Ping Pong.
It was changed from Ping Pong to Table Tennis in 1921-22.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal was born in which city?
- Sukkur
- Sialkot
- Faisalabad
- Quetta
- b
Allama Iqbal was born on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot and died on 21st April 1938 in Lahore.
Nili Ravi is a breed of:
- Cow
- Buffalo
- Camel
- Goat
- b
It is mostly found in Pakistan and India.
We can get 2000kg milk on yearly basis from Nili Ravi.
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Angry”
- Good Humored
- Mad
- Pleased
- Calm
- b
Angry ناراض
Mad پاگل
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Mistake”
- Perfection
- Typo
- Judge
- Be right
- b
Mistake غلطی
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Speak”
- Be quite
- Listen
- Talk
- Sprout
- c
Speak بولو۔
Talk بات کریں۔
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Glad”
- Happy
- Dismayed
- Sad
- Unwilling
- a
Glad خوشی ہوئی۔
Happy خوش۔
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Always”
- Give Up
- Retain
- Forever
- Never
- c
Always ہمیشہ
Forever ہمیشہ کیلئے