- 75
- 76
- 77
- 78
- a
The 75th session of UNGA was held on 15th September 2020.
The 76th session of UNGA will be held on 14th September 2021.
Which of the following is the Capital of Laos?
- Vang Veing
- Vientiane
- Pakse
- None of these
- b
Vientiane is the Capital and largest City of Laos.
The 60% population of Laos is related to Buddhism.
Which Acid is used in Batteries?
- Sulphuric Acid
- Hydrocholoric Acid
- Nitric Acid
- None of these
- a
Jabir Bin Hayyan discovered the Sulphuric Acid.
Jabir Bin Hayyan was a Muslim Scientist.
Punjabi language is written in …..script in Pakistan.
- Arabic
- Persian
- Gor Mukhi
- Indo Aryan
- c
Who gave the Balochistan status of “Provision”?
- Yahya Khan
- Ayub Khan
- Z.A Bhutto
- Quaid E Azam
- a
First female Lt.General in Pakistan’s history is:
- Nigar Johar
- Salma Ubaid
- Perveen Liaqat
- Asifa Johar
- a
What is official language of OIC?
- French
- Bengali
- Urdu
- Spanish
- a
The boundary Commission for division of Punjab and Bengal was headed by:
- Lord Mountbatten
- Cyril Radcliffe
- Lord Attlee
- Lord Linithgow
- b
ہر فرعون راہ موسی قواد کی رو سے ۔۔۔۔۔ہے۔
- ضرب المثل
- نظم
- مثال
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
- a
عید الاضحی کن کی قربانی کی یاد میں منائی جاتی ہے؟
- ابراہیم علیہ السلام
- اسمعیل علیہ السلام
- موسی علیہ السلام
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
- a