- 33
- 36
- 39
- 41
- c
There are 26 letters in English Alphabet.
All Solved Past Papers 2021 are included in this section.All Solved MCQs of 2021 of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
Mechanics, Heat, Light and Sound are the branches of:
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- a
Galileo Galilei is founder of modern Physics.
Total number of small and large bones in the human body are:
- 240
- 206
- 300
- 360
- b
There are 300 bones in a new born baby but merges with each others with the passage of time and form 206 bones.
The symbol of Hydrogen is:
- H
- HI
- HY
- HO
- a
Hydrogen is third most abundant element of the universe.
The atomic number of Hydrogen is 1.
SNGPL stands for:
- Square Northern Gas Pipeline Ltd.
- Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Lahore
- Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited
- Sui Northern Gas Pakistan Limited
- c
Sui Gas was discovered in 1952 at Sui, Balochistan.
The commercial supply of Sui Gas was started in 1955.
The average temperature for human body is ……centigrade.
- 10
- 20
- 30
- 37
- d
Who was the first Punjabi Poet?
- Waris Shah
- Shah Hussain
- Bulleh Shah
- Baba Farid
- d
Ameer Karor Suri was first Pashtu Poet.
Shamas Ud Din Bulbul was first Sindhi Poet.
Makran Coastal Highway is called:
- N-12
- N-11
- N-10
- N-09
- c
Makran Coastal Highway starts from Karachi and ends up with Gawadar.
The length of N-10 is 653 Km
The meat and eggs are rich in:
- Vitamin
- Glucose
- Carbohydrates
- Proteins
- d
Meat and Eggs are important source of Protein, Iron, Zinc and Vitamin B.
Chashma Barrage was built in the year:
- 1972
- 1980
- 1960
- 1970
- d
The construction of this barrage was started in 1967 and completed in 1970.
The height of Chashma Barrage is 11 meters.
This barrage was built on Indus River.